Black Duck - 100+
Snow Goose - 400+
Northern Pintail - 50+
Black Scoter - 30+
Bufflehead - 2 pairs
Hooded Meganser - 4 pairs
American Wigeon - 10 Pairs
To top off the slow exit from the park, perched on an osprey nest, was a proud juvenile Bald Eagle.
The following day, with temperatures in the mid 50s and sunny, driving past Lake Lilly in Cape May Point, we saw flying overhead a stunning mature Bald Eagle. Over at the state park, there were numerous Yellow-rumped Warblers,
Gadwals, Black ducks, Mallards, and a Mockingbird.
Off the dune trail, a pair of Northern shovelers were oblivious to our presence as they did a mating dance/ swim.
The pair circled and circled, barely coming up for air, creating large round ripples, as seen above.